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Origin. Zhejiang China. HS Code. آداپتور برق گودوکس مدل Godox LED 1000. 990,000 تومان.
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Selling a kit of 2 Britek HS-1000 series lights. They are of different subsets but operate as intended. Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Britek Professional Studio Flash HS 1000 Code 3445hs-1000 Not at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! Review (mpn: HS-1000 for sale) HS-1000 Studio Professional Watt Sync Two Mint BRITEK Strobes 200 Cords I am selling two mint BRITEK HS watt professional studio moonlight strobe units, in mint condition. Make sure this fits by entering your model number.; Britek 1000 watt light head, 1000w bulb, 32"x32" Softbox 3200 Kelvin light temperature Input 120v or 240v 50/60hz 1 year warranty except for bulb
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Have two Britek HS-1000 Home Studio Flash Lights, one does turn on and other does not. Make an offer. call or text at